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SINISTER: detalii despre albumul 'The Carnage Ending'

SINISTER: detalii despre albumul 'The Carnage Ending'
Legendara trupa olandeza de death metal, Sinister va lansa in acest an un nou album de studio. Discul ce va purta numele The Carnage Ending va fi lansat prin intermediul casei de discuri Massacre Records. Coperta materialului a fost realizata de Mike Hrubovcak (Mortician, Grave, Avulsed). Titlurile pieselor ce vor figura pe albumul The Carnage Ending sunt urmatoarele:

01. Defamatory Content
02. Regarding the Imagery
03. The Carnage Ending
04. Transylvania (City of the Damned)
05. My Casual Enemy
06. Crown of Thorns
07. Blood Ecstasy
08. Unheavenly Domain
09. The Final Destroyer
10. Oath of Rebirth

Cel mai recent album de studio al trupei poarta numele Legacy of Ashes si a fost lansat in data de 10 decembrie 2010.

Posted by H., at 13:26 |  April 24, 2012  | 0 Comentarii  | 3075 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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