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THE CURE: detalii despre albumul 'Bestival Live 2011'

THE CURE: detalii despre albumul 'Bestival Live 2011'
Grupul britanic The Cure va lansa in data de 5 decembrie 2011 un nou album live. Dublul album ce va purta numele Bestival Live 2011 a fost inregistrat cu ocazia concertului sustinut in luna septembrie a acestui an in cadrul festivalului Bestival din Isle of Wight, Marea Britanie. Titlurile pieselor ce vor figura pe acest material sunt urmatoarele:

Disc 01:
01. Plainsong
02. Open
03. Fascination Street
04. A Night Like This
05. The End Of The World
06. Lovesong
07. Just Like Heaven
08. The Only One
09. The Walk
10. Push
11. Friday I'm In Love
12. Inbetween Days
13. Play For Today
14. A Forest
15. Primary
16. Shake Dog Shake

Disc 02:
17. The Hungry Ghost
18. One Hundred Years
19. End
20. Disintegration
Encore 1:
21. Lullaby
22. The Lovecats
23. The Caterpillar
24. Close To Me
25. Hot Hot Hot!!!
26. Let's Go To Bed
27. Why Can't I Be You?
28. Boys Don't Cry
29. Jumping Someone Else's Train
30. Grinding Halt
31. 10:15 Saturday Night
32. Killing Another

Posted by H., at 17:02 |  November 03, 2011  | 0 Comentarii  | 3031 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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