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Download gratuit "In Memory Of Jesse Pintado"

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Earache Records ofera la download in mod gratuit albumul In Memory Of Jesse Pintado, pentru a cinsti astfel memoria celui ce a fost Jesse Pintado. Albumul contine cele mai cunoscute piese ale lui Jesse din perioada in care a fost chitarist in Napalm Death si Terrorizer.

Albumul in format mp3 poate fi downloadat de pe pagina si contine urmatoarele piese:

01. Terrorizer - Ripped To Shreds
02. Napalm Death - The World Keeps Turning
03. Napalm Death - Throwaway
04. Terrorizer - Storm Of Stress
05. Napalm Death - Upwards And Uninterested
06. Napalm Death - I Abstain
07. Terrorizer - Corporation Pull-In
08. Napalm Death - Purist Realist
09. Napalm Death - Remain Nameless
10. Napalm Death - Inner Incineration

Jesse Pintado a murit pe 27 august 2006 intr-un spital din Olanda, din cauza complicatiilor survenite in urma unei come diabetice.

Posted by Nebelhexa, at 00:00 |  September 06, 2006  | 0 Comentarii  | 4965 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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