stiri rock

ENTHRALLMENT: detalii despre noul album

ENTHRALLMENT: detalii despre noul album

Bulgarii de la Enthrallment vor lansa noul lor album, intitulat Immerse Into Bloody Bliss, la sfarsitul anului 2008, la casa de discuri slovaca Metal Age Productions. Albumul va contine piesele:

01. Seeds Of Insanity
02. Replace In The Grave
03. Distorted Brain Patterns
04. Bonegrinder
05. Female Hunting Preciede The Feast
06. Enthrallment
07. Cane The Messiah With The Crook
08. Immerse Into Bloody Bliss

Piesele Enthrallment si Replace In The Grave pot fi vazute pe pagina MySpace a trupei iar clipul piesei Cane The Messiah with the Crook poatr fi vazut mai jos:

Posted by Cynyc, at 00:00 |  October 10, 2008  | 0 Comentarii  | 3062 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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