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ICED EARTH: au terminat de inregistrat un single, lucreaza la album

ICED EARTH: au terminat de inregistrat un single, lucreaza la album

Iced Earth au terminat inregistrarile si mixajul unui nou single, ce se va intitula Overture of the Wicked. Single-ul va fi lansat la sfarsitul lui mai sau inceputul lui iunie si va contine patru piese:

01. Ten Thousand Strong
02. Prophecy
03. Birth of the Wicked
04. The Coming Curse

Americanii vor filma in luna iunie si un videoclip pentru piesa Ten Thousand Strong, dar pentru moment se vor concentra pe inregistrarea intregului album. Acesta va purta numele Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Part 1) si va fi lansat in toamna acestui an. Partile de bas pentru acest album vor fi inregistrate impreuna cu Dennis Hayes, care a lucrat si cu Tim Owens in Beyond Fear. Actualul basist, James "Bo" Wallace, nu poate lua parte la inregistrari din cauza unor probleme familiale.

Tracklist Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Part 1):

01. Overture
02. Something Wicked (Part 1)
03. Invasion
04. Man's Motivation
05. The Setian Massacre
06. A Charge to Keep
07. Reflections
08. Ten Thousand Strong
09. Execution
10. Order of the Rose
11. The Clouding
12. Infiltrate and Assimilate
13. Retribution Through the Ages
14. Something Wicked (Part 2)
15. The Domino Decree
16. Framing Armageddon
17. When Stars Collide (Born is He)
18. The Awakening

Va exista si partea a doua a albumului, Revelation Abomination (Something Wicked Part 2), ce va fi lansata la inceputul lui 2008.

Tracklist Revelation Abomination (Something Wicked Part 2):

01. The Sacred Flames
02. Behold the Wicked Child
03. Minions of the Watch
04. A Gift or a Curse
05. I Walk Among You
06. Harbinger of Fate
07. Ancient Rage of the High Priest
08. A Gathering Threat / Time Marches On
09. Sacrificial Kingdoms
10. Something Wicked (Part 3)
11. Divide Devour
12. Conspiracy / Pilgrimage In Guile
13. Come What May

Posted by Mikix, at 00:00 |  March 17, 2007  | 2 Comentarii  | 5658 Vizualizari « INAPOI

Comenteaza la: ICED EARTH: au terminat de inregistrat un single, lucreaza la album

  • o trupa perfecta! abia astept sa-l aud!! Owens rules!!

    1. Posted by peavy | 17 Martie 2007 13:16
  • super tare piesa noua ten thousand strong. si vocea lui owens suna mai bine decat pe ultimul album.

    2. Posted by gheorghe | 12 Mai 2007 19:33

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