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PARADISE LOST si SAMAEL: concert amanat

PARADISE LOST si SAMAEL: concert amanat

Conform unui comunicat aparut pa, trupa britanica a fost nevoita sa amane cateva din concertele pe care urma sa le sustina in cadrul truenului pe care il intreprinde impreuna cu Samael, printre care si cel din Romania. Din cauza unei probleme de familie, Greg Mackintosh nu a putut onora o parte din turneu, insa nici inlocuitorul sau, tehnicianul trupei, Milly Evans, nu l-a putut inlocui asa cum s-a dorit, avand activitati deja programate cu propria sa formatie. Puteti citi comunicatul mai jos:

As some of you maybe aware, we have had to use a stand in guitarist (Milly Evans) to replace Greg Mackintosh for a few dates due to a serious illness within Greg's family. We did this with the sole purpose to prevent having to cancel any shows and to avoid disappointing fans that had already bought tickets and were looking forward to the concerts.

  So it is with great regret that we have to unavoidably announce that some gigs must be postponed for now and rescheduled as soon as possible. This is due to prior commitments Milly Evans has with his own band. We are working round these to fly him back and forth wherever possible to minimise any disruption to the tour, but we ask you to bear with us in this difficult time. The list of gigs to be postponed are as follows:

3rd Dec - Romania
4th Dec - Bulgaria
5th Dec - Croatia
10th Dec - Switzerland
11th Dec - Germany
12th Dec - Switzerland

  If there are any further up-dates we will bring them to you asap.
  Thanks again for your understanding.

Maximum Rock & Promusic Prod au facut urmatorul anunt:

   Concertul Paradise Lost / Samael, programat pentru data de 3 decembrie la Cluj-Napoca, va fi reprogramat.  Organizatorii sunt deja in discutii pentru o noua data.
  Persoanele care deja au achizitionat bilete sunt rugate sa astepte noile informatii, iar in cazul in care noile informatii nu vor fi pe masura asteptarilor, acestia isi vor putea recupera banii integral

MAI MULTE DESPRE Paradise Lost, Samael
Posted by at 00:00 |  November 16, 2009  | 0 Comentarii  | 2502 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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