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Buday Tamás (Tormentor, Nifelheim): being true and honest to each other and never let a system to tell you who you are and what you are capable of

Buday Tamás (Tormentor, Nifelheim): being true and honest to each other and never let a system to tell you who you are and what you are capable of
BANDS : Tormentor

In October 2017 the legendary Hungarian black metal band Tormentor have announced that will reunite the same line-up which recorded the “The 7th Day of the Doom” demo back in 1987, with Machat Zsolt, who appeared on the albums “Anno Domini” (1989) and “Recipe Ferrum! 777” (2000) and will step in the shoes of Dubecz Márton for one show only at this year's edition of Beyond the Gates festival, which will be held in the period 23rd – 25th of August in Bergen, Norway. As Tormentor is one of the most important names when it comes to black metal, and also one of the biggest bands from Central and Eastern Europe that had made its mark on the genre together with bands like Master’s Hammer (Czech Republic) and later on, Negură Bunget (Romania) and Nokturnal Mortum (Ukraine) for example, this news have made waves in the underground from all around the world. As soon as I’ve heard that Tormentor is getting back together, like all the fans of the band I wanted to know if this will represent their return for good or it is an one-time kind of thing for the Beyond the Gates festival. I’ve approached Buday Tamás, the bands guitarist, who also plays the strings in Nifelheim and asked him if we could arrange an interview. For my wonder and joy, Tamás said yes, but he mentioned that he needs time to do this properly. I’ve agreed the terms and I’ve sent him my questions regarding the reunion of the band, and other general things as well. After six months of checking my incoming messages daily, I’ve received the answers from Tamás. I was amazed to find that Tamás is not only a great guitarist when it comes to extreme metal, but also a great story teller. He shared with us details about his childhood, the way he got his hands on recordings of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Celtic Frost, Bathory and Possessed back in the day, but also the “joys” that the Communist days in Hungary brought, and the struggle which the band  faced to record back in ’87 “The 7th Day of the Doom” demo in “an abandoned underground fallout shelter with no air ventilation, narrow corridors and small rooms.”  I will say no more, and I invite you to read this great interview with Buday Tamás and hope that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

Metalfan: Hi, Tamás! Welcome to! How did the reunion of Tormentor happen? Could you please tell us more?
Buday Tamás: Hello Romania, Hello Metal fans! Greetings from Sweden! Yeah, it was a long way to the actual decision, but we started to talk about it two years ago and we were not sure at all that we wanted it or not and if we did then how it should happen. But last year we gave a chance finally to a short rehearsal and it sounded great. There was no more doubt and the year of the 30th anniversary was the best and only occasion to do it.

Metalfan: This year Tormentor will perform in Bergen, Norway at Beyond the Gates festival. Fans all around the world are hoping that this show will be recorded for a proper DVD release. Do you see this thing possible?
Buday Tamás: We still are in conversation about this with the venues, they actually have equipment for that. Some probably will be broadcasted as it is usual on a big festival. So, there’s a chance to it but we haven’t decided yet.

Metalfan: The setlist of the concert will be centred on the releases from the '80s - The 7th Day of the Doom (1987) and Anno Domini (1989) or are there any plans to include some songs as well from Recipe Ferrum! 777 (2000) album? Please, tell us more...
Buday Tamás: You will hear the songs from the “Anno Domini” album and some songs from the “7th Day of Doom” as well. But nothing from the “Recipe Ferrum”.

Metalfan: If things work out well, do you see the possibility for Tormentor to play more shows? I think that it would be great to bring your energy to other countries and continents as well. Is there any specific place where you would like to perform with Tormentor?
Buday Tamás: There are lots of places we should and would like to bring this show, but it’s already too much occupation for us. Like Attila is busy with Mayhem and I’m also with Nifelheim, but all of us has a life we just suspended for the sake of this little tour. I can’t say it’s impossible but it’s just not on the table yet. We only focus on this year.

Metalfan: If we've talked about the future, let’s talk also about the past. How was Tamás Buday as a child and as a teenager as well? Are there any moments that you remember with nostalgia from that time?
Buday Tamás: [Ed.Note: laughs] Yes, many! I have a little mixed feeling about that era. Memories that make me sad and some that make me laugh, but still a lot that make me proud. Those was hard times back then, but we didn’t know that. As teenagers we wanted the same what all teens on the earth. Standing out from the crowd and be somebody. Somebody else. But as a 16-year-old kid, standing on the stage in front of 800 people in a big old ball room and 200 others outside watching through opened windows because they didn’t fit, in a small town where the police were alerted as what we did was an underground satanic and anti-communist movement… Well that was something I will never forget. [Ed.Note: laughs]

Metalfan: Which were the first bands and records that you've listened in that time? Do you remember how did you get those albums?
Buday Tamás: Yes, I remember. It was Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Celtic Frost, Bathory and Possessed. Probably not in this particular order. I still have those cassette tapes and the only way to get those was a friend’s father who worked for the government, so he could travel through the border and could bring back vinyl’s and tapes in the car trunk totally illegal.

Metalfan: How did you start play guitar? It was this the first instrument that caught your interest?
Buday Tamás: No. I was a good boy and played violin and piano first when I was six to make my teachers and party leaders proud. Yeah. But I hated it. Playing rock guitar was a suicide that time. So, we conspired with my father who found an old guitar for me on the attic and secretly I started to practice. When I got 10 I said it’s enough. Almost got myself kicked out from the school, but finally they left me alone. But ultimately it was a good thing. It helped a lot later with song writings.

Metalfan: In the time of the communism, here in Romania it was pretty hard to get quality instruments. Most of them were improvised by crafty people. How were the things in Hungary when Tormentor started as a band?
Buday Tamás: We had goods mostly from communist countries. Except stuff from the black market, but it would have been stupid to stand on stage in public with a hot instrument. Despite of it all in 1988 I bought my first serious guitar, a Yamaha SG200 second hand in a store and two weeks later my whole family was interrogated at the police why and how we got hold of something from the rotting capitalist world. We couldn’t sleep well for weeks but we got away with it later. Now I can tell we were lucky as hell!

Metalfan: Which is the story of the name Tormentor? How did you decide to that this should be the name of your group?
Buday Tamás: It’s easy. There was some mutual favourites in the band, Kreator, Slayer, Destruction. And all had a song called Tormentor. It was an obvious choice.

Metalfan: Tormentor is seen by most of the extreme metal fans as a cult group, a pioneer for this kind of music. Would you like to share with us some stories that you've lived with Tormentor in the '80s?
Buday Tamás: There are way bigger names in the genre, names that inspired us too. We were angry teens with nothing to lose. That’s good enough inspiration to make music. We travelled a lot I remember. Even though we were banned from lot of places and cities we just could not make enough free time from school to fulfil all the requests we got. Some months after the first appearance at AORTA 1986 we got a letter from the Ministry of Education in which they formally noticed us to quit continuing our youth and socialist value destroying activity. It was funny and – as 18-year youngsters do – we didn’t give a fuck about that. From that point it was hard NOT to play somewhere. Everyone wanted to see us. I here to express my gratitude to those mother fuckers who wanted to stop us if they’re still alive!

Metalfan: Speaking ofthe '80s, was it hard for you to wear long hair in that time? How did the police and the communist regime treat people who tried to have a rock apparel?
Buday Tamás: We were stopped on the street for checking the papers all the time, were reported to the school for a haircut, but it never happened. When I was 16 it was easier than before. We were too many already by the time like hippies and others with long hair. But the police were too frightened people as everyone else and tried to do what they were told to do. And the regime became weak. Four, five years later it was over.

Metalfan: “The 7th Day of the Doom” (1987) demo is one of the most influencing recordings of extreme metal coming from an ex-Communist country from Europe. Which were the conditions in which this demo was recorded? It would be great if you could share with us the story of this record...
Buday Tamás: Yes, that’s a good story also. Imagine an abandoned underground fallout shelter with no air ventilation, narrow corridors and small rooms. With a four-channel audio tape recorder and a delay effect. We played in a separate room with the band and Attila sang along in the other with the mixer. Yapp. After every ten minutes we had to go up to the surface to take a breath because we used up all the air down below. That was the only one we could afford to pay for. However, later on the “Anno Domini” was recorded in a proper, well-equipped studio.

Metalfan: Back in 2013 you joined another cult group of the extreme scene, Nifelheim and the next year, in 2014 the EP
Satanatas” was released. How did it happen?
Buday Tamás: Suddenly. [Ed.Note: laughs] But joking aside, it happened fast. Which is not so usual up here north I can tell. [Ed.Note: smiles] I lived in Norway that time and a mutual friend contacted me and asked if I wanted to join Nifelheim for only a tour. Their two guitarists left the band just some weeks before the tour started, and it was an emergency situation. I said yes, and I stuck there. I moved to Sweden to make it easier and we put together three songs for the EP. We’re already working on the new full album, but due to different occupations it’s just happening a bit slower.

Metalfan: If Pink Floyd have put out a new album in 2014 - “The Endless River”, would it be realistic to think that someday Tormentor will put out a new release? [Ed.Note: smiles]
Buday Tamás: If it happens I probably could not participate. There are many reasons for that, for example, the distance. And I have other plans for the future and also Nifelheim occupies most of my time nowadays. But if the tour goes well and they decide to record a new album there’s nothing to stop them. [Ed.Note: smiles]

Metalfan: In the spirit of the '80s, it would be great if you could choose 12 songs from 12 different bands that have influenced you as a musician for a virtual compilation. Which would be the title of this mix-tape?
Buday Tamás: If I have to give a title it would be called The Devil they See in Me

Let’s see:
01. Saxon – Rock city, I love Saxon!
02. DIO – Another Lie
03. Accept – Restless and Wild
04. Judas Priest – Hell bents for Leather
05. Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast
06. Sex Pistols – Anarchy in the UK
07. Kreator – Tormentor
08. Slayer – Evil Has No Boundaries (and Tormentor)
09. Destruction – Total Desaster (and Tormentor) [Ed.Note: smiles]
10. Possessed – No Will to Live
11. Exodus – Till Death Do Us Part
12. Celtic Frost – Visions of Mortality
+1. Bathory – Pace 'Till Death

But the list wouldn’t be complete without - The Who, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Mike Oldfield, Status Quo, Pat Metheny and other crazy musicians I loved listening to.

Metalfan: Thank you Tamás for your time and for your answers! In the end would you like to add something or to send a few words to our readers?
Buday Tamás: I want to say thank you guys for all the interest and for keeping us in mind for so long. I’m happy to feel that and glad to play those songs again after 30 years. Since I know my name, this scene was my family and my teacher for real human behaviour and it haven’t changed since. I want you guys to keep on with being true and honest to each other and never let a system to tell you who you are and what you are capable of! Hope to see you on a show somewhere and meet many of you! Cheers!

Photo: Zenefesto Facebook / Tormentor Facebook

Autor: H.
   June 11, 2018  | 0 Comments  | 19467 Views « BACK

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