DARKTHRONE - The Underground Resistance

The Underground Resistance FORMAT: CD
REALEASE DATE: 25.02.2013
RECORD COMPANY: Peaceville Records
USERS RATING: 20 votes

Top 2013: #92
Darkthrone more
Nocturno Culto – voce, chitara, bas
Fenriz – tobe, voce

01. Dead Early02. Valkyrie03. Lesser Men04. The Ones You Left Behind05. Come Warfare, The Entire Doom06. Leave No Cross Unturned

If you look at the number of songs, this seems to be more like an EP, but after their length it is definitely a full-length, and by its manner it is Darkthrone. To make myself understood, I couldn’t care less how this record is received, what it’s important is that Darkthrone have released a new album. And what an album! Yes, I admit to having some sort of nostalgia (if I could call it that) in metallic sound and every time old school wins. I’m not saying that old school - good, new school - bad. No. You listen to whatever you like, and that’s what everyone should do.


Let’s go back to this new record by the two legendary Norwegians. Titled The Underground Resistance, the record shows us a new side of this band. A new side? Yes! Darkthrone music is now leaning more towards speed metal (Dead Early and Lesser Men), Viking (Valkyrie), and old school black metal in the vein of Celtic Frost/Hellhammer + with a pinch of speed/thrash metal reminding of Agent Steel! And this is a thing of beauty if you like your metal dirty and true!


The first song is Dead Early, with deep roots in the 80s. From Fenriz’s galloping drums to Nocturno Culto’s disgust-filled voice and the simple, direct and effective guitar in the style of "Fast" Eddie Clarke (ex-Motorhead), the song invites serious headbanging. The second track is Valkyrie. Written in a way that is reminiscent of Bathory - One Rode to Asa Bay. At least until 1:20, and if I’m wrong feel free to use the comment section.  The song continues along the same lines with Circle the Wagons, the title track from the band’s 2010 album. Epic. And here we are, halfway in. Lesser Men starts and continues in the footsteps of Dead Early. Harsh riffs, melodic leads and quite a lot of electric guitar! Don’t fret, Nocturno Culto is still Nocturno Culto, there’s no room here for Yngwie Malmsteen or Jason Becker (way underrated guitarist!). Did you forget? Worship "Fast" Eddie Clarke!


With song four, The Ones You Left Behind, we move into the record’s second half. The band uses clean vocals to great effect, seasoned with a contagious melody! This is the type of metal that at the same time quenches and fuels your thirst for metal endlessly.


I swear that when I first heard Come Warfare, The Entire Doom, I was expecting Tom G. Warrior to say a few words! Overt Hellhammer tribute! This is beautiful if you love this sort of music. And here we are at the end. The last track is Leave No Cross Unturned, a song most of you who read these lines have heard by now. How is it? It is awesome! An almost 14-minute song going through speed metal, epic parts, Hellhammer & Tom G. Warrior worship and everything that the new Darkthrone stands for. It’s not "New Dinamo", it’s "New Darkthrone" and it sounds pretty damn good!

H. more Nota: 9

Posted at 10:59 |  03 Ianuarie 2013  | 1 Comments  | 4779 Views

Comment on: The Underground Resistance

  • bestial albumul. cat despre influentele Hellhammer , fojgaie prin discografia Darkthrone inca de la Panzerfaust ( evident, blecaretul care n-a reusit sa treaca de En Vind Av Sorg si Hans Siste Vinter n-are de unde sa stie . dar nu e cazul nostru...)

    1. Posted by hell9level | 07 Martie 2013 10:05

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