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Pro-Pain: We just do things our own way

Pro-Pain: We just do things our own way
BANDS : Pro-Pain

First of all, I must admit that hardcore was never my cup of tea. I have listened to a Pro Pain record more than a decade ago and, since then, looked upon them respectfully.
The way they choose to do things, being a gig, a tour or a studio album requires that kind of respect. Even though they are really busy this year, the drummer JC Dwyer found the time and kindness to answer all of my questions, and he did it in a very warm and humorous way. Enjoy!



Metalfan:Hello and welcome. Aren’t you getting tired after all those long years in the industry?
JC – No, not really. The loyalty of PRO-PAIN fans is what keeps us going. As long as they keep coming back, so will we.

Metalfan:The name of your latest studio album sounds like a firm statement: Pro Pain is here and crusading. What are you fighting against?
JC – Actually, that’s not really the meaning of the title. Yes, it is the band’s tenth album, but there is a double meaning, being the relationship between our Administration’s bullshit “War On Terror” and the historical Crusades.

Metalfan: What were the reactions to your latest opus (from press, fans, etc.) so far?
JC – The reviews have been great. We kinda went out on a limb on this record, tried some different things. It’s nice to have it be so well received. The new songs have been going over great live as well.


Metalfan: If you could do something different about The Tenth Crusade, what would it be?
JC – Only to have it be done quicker. The record took some time, but I think it was worth the wait.

Metalfan:The title also seems to indicate that, lyrically, you are somehow politically involved. What is your position towards the U.S. external policy?
JC – Well, I think a quick look at the lyrics will make that pretty clear. This Administration’s foreign policy, and its general way of doing things, is bad business, straight across the board.

Metalfan: Let us talk a little about the hardcore scene. Are you satisfied about how things are going (bands, albums, concerts, record labels)?
JC – That’s a tough question to answer, simply because we don’t really try too hard to be part of any “scene” in particular. We just do things our own way.


Metalfan: You have had the opportunity to tour America as well as Europe. What are the main differences between the audiences, fans, people you meet on the road?
JC – Personally, I prefer touring Europe. The food and accommodations are always nicer, the fan reception is better, and the promoters are a lot less shady.

Metalfan: What is more important, the music or the lyrics?
JC – PRO-PAIN is definitely a lyric-driven band, but the music is crucial as well. Tough to say if either is “more” important.

Metalfan: Related to the question above, can you give us some hints about the lyrics of two of your songs, All for King George and Iraqnam?
JC – King George is about George W. and how he was placed in the presidency, and how his team is doing us in. Iraqnam is about the similarities between Iraq and Vietnam.


Metalfan:  They say America is the land of the free and the land of all possibilities. How much is true and how much pure marketing?
JC – Most of it is marketing.

Metalfan: You have got the chance to tour with so many bands, young and old. Is there anything you have learned from those bands?
JC – You try to learn something from everyone you encounter, whether it’s a good or bad lesson. Learning what NOT to do can be just as valuable as what TO do.

Metalfan: Have you managed to make a living out of music or are you still going to your jobs?
JC – This is pretty much what we do.

Metalfan: What are your future plans?
JC – Coming back to Europe in June and September for more touring, and we’re probably gonna tour the US this year as well. Looks to be a busy year!



Metalfan: In the end I would like you to say a word about the following:

• George W. Bush – World’s most famous Puppet
• Osama Bin Laden – Please just die already
• Al Pacino – Best movie Devil EVER!
• Oprah Winfrey – Marry Stedman, will ya? He seems like a nice guy to me.
• Dave Mustaine – Would love to hear what Metallica would sound like if he’d stayed in the band.
• Marilyn Manson – Made a career out of the fact that everyone from Ohio is a little bit crazy.
• Ozzy Osbourne – World’s second most famous Puppet.
• Hugh Hefner – Would love to be him for a day.
• Gary Meskil – One of the sharpest guys I know. And you might be surprised to know he’s funny as hell, and can tear it up on the dance floor!
• Benjamin Franklin – Go fly a kite
• Martin Scorsese – Keep the good flicks coming, you’re getting better with age.
• Jenna Jameson – aww, yeah…

Metalfan:Thank you very much for your time. A thought for our readers, maybe?
JC – Thanks to PRO-PAIN fans everywhere for 15 years of support, we’ll see ya soon! 

Autor: Sake
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Pro-Pain

   June 12, 2007  | 2 Comments  | 10358 Views « BACK

Comment on: Pro-Pain: We just do things our own way

  • bun de tot, si cand te gandesti ca era in plan sa viziteze si frumoasa tara a mioritzei, dar deh! oamenii mai si dau pass la evenimente... aici sper sa ma refer la trupa, nu la promoter!!!

    1. Posted by Coro | 14 Iunie 2007 12:04
  • tare frate tare hardcore never dies respect pentru aceasta trupa si merita toti laurii respect ptr contact id messenger thebesthardcoredrummer

    2. Posted by remus | 11 Octombrie 2007 05:42

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