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Romanian Thrash Metal Fest 3: Old Grave Fest

Romanian Thrash Metal Fest 3: Old Grave Fest
Already a tradition for some and a place of pilgrimage for others after just two editions, Romanian Thrash Metal Fest - the hallmark event of the Romanian Thrash Metal Club - reveals the first general details about the location and line-up of its 3rd edition, and more!

Romanian Thrash Metal Fest 3rd Edition , like its previous editions, aims primarily to consolidate the efforts of the Romanian Thrash Metal Club and put into practice its manifesto, according to which the club was founded with the purpose of promoting and supporting traditional metal in Romania.

Thought of as a promotional platform since the first moments of its existence, Romanian Thrash Metal Fest is probably the only festival in the world that is presented as a joint effort of the three main components of the scene : fans, bands and promoters.

Thus, after the previous editions at which security and access were provided by fans (RTMC members) in collaboration with a security company which in turn consists of fans (Hardcore Security), artists were hosts(Alessio and Riccardo - Violentor) and stage management and merchandise were done by promoters such as Stefan Zaharescu - Buvnitz (Mighty Owl Productions, Rockstadt) , Elly (Hatework, Manifest Cultural Association) and Titus (Bestial Records,, Metal Under Moonlight), everything taking place in the complex location that is Fabrica, which offers visitors all the conveniences usually reserved for festivals with pomp and pretensions (terrace, restaurant, lounge, shopping gallery shop and 3 bars) but also a professional hosting team (Fane, Vicentiu, Gabi, Nicu Galie from Green Sound Team, Viezure & co.), Romanian Thrash Metal Club aims to take things to the next level, where the false boundaries imposed by a bankrupt and dying industry melt down, bringing together under the same roof all participants primarily as fans that will play music, will jump around and will provide for themselves the services and comfort specific to this kind of event.

That having been said, expect that for the third edition of the Romanian Thrash Metal Fest - Old Grave Fest, which will take place on October 10-11 in club Fabrica - Bucharest, 50 11 Iunie Str, the new name will be the smallest surprise and that the already confirmed bands (GRAVE, the Swedish death metal masters, DESASTER that have just celebrated 25 years of blasphemy, SODOMIZER making a long-awaited comeback, the New Yorker thrashers from HELLCANNON and the Greek maniacs from SLAUGHTERED PRIEST and NECROCHAKAL) are just the beginning!

With the promise that we will return shortly with useful details, on the brink of vacation and holidays, we, the Romanian Thrash Metal Club, wish that all your wishes come true and that 2014  be a much better year, and leave you with the first version of the poster for RTMF 3rd Edition - Old Grave Fest, penned by none other than the famous Costin Chioreanu from Twilight13Media.

RTMC team
Sursa: Romanian Thrash Metal Club

MORE ABOUT Desaster, Grave, Sodomizer
Posted by H., at 15:59 |  December 19, 2013  | 12 Comments  | 4293 Views « BACK

Comment on: Romanian Thrash Metal Fest 3: Old Grave Fest

  • Bravo!!! Trupe de prima mana, de vazut neaparat! Ma alatur chiar din aceasta clipa sustinerii acestui proiect si, daca organizatorii sunt interesati ma voi implica in promovarea lui. E de discutat.. Felicitari!

    1. Posted by rionescu77 | 19 Decembrie 2013 16:59
  • Money talks, money talkssssss, dirty cash I want youuuu, dirty cash I neeeed you, ooooo!
    Si chiar si many many many, mast bi faniiii, in the richers găăăărlllll!

    2. Posted by Sake | 20 Decembrie 2013 11:47
  • In locul tau as fi prudent ce imi doresc, ionescule, hell9 plateste esclusif in natura, in ze bushez cum ar veni.

    3. Posted by Sake | 20 Decembrie 2013 11:53
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