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WITHIN TEMPTATION: they really need to do their show in Romania

WITHIN TEMPTATION: they really need to do their show in Romania
BANDS : Within Temptation

Artmania: Hello, we are here with Robert Westerholt from Within Temptation. They are here in Romania to make some videos to...
Robert Westerholt: To Frozen and The Howling.



Artmania: So you are shooting two videos, actually. Very productive...You are coming back soon to Romania. What can you tell us, what are you going to tell the fans? You are going to perform at Artmania and it's for the first time...
Robert Westerholt: Yes, it's the first time. It's the first time for the video and also, by coincidence, it's the first time we're playing here now... We're really looking forward to it. From what we've seen already, it's a beautiful country and, yeah, we really need to do our show here.

Artmania: You've probably seen images of the location; do you think that Within Temptation's music is going well together with the location?
Robert Westerholt: Yes, [it goes well] with Romania in general, I think. The atmosphere is... it has a big history, you can see it everywhere - special buildings, lots of great nature - and I think our music, which is also very filmic, fits this place really well.

Artmania: Can you tell us if you're preparing something special for the Romanian fans, being your first performance? Are you going to play songs from your last album only or from your entire discography?
Robert Westerholt: We're going to play songs from our last album, but of course we're going to play from the other albums as well, because people have never seen us here, you know...

Artmania: A lot of fans have asked us what songs you are going to perform.
Robert Westerholt: Yeah, yeah, I know. In other countries where we've been we've played our old songs; so of course [here] we're going to play some old songs as well, it's going to be a mix of everything. And we are going to bring our core setlist, of course... and we'll try to make it as nice as possible.



Artmania: I think everybody's expecting a grandiose Within Temptation show in that location... the music really fits the place, being in Transylvania. Have you got any feed-back from fans, are they writing to you?
Robert Westerholt: Already, straight away - on the website there are people writing from Romania [telling us] they are going to see us here... they know we're coming so.. it feels good.

Artmania: How do you feel about your last album? How is it received, are you pleased with the reaction of the public?
Robert Westerholt: Yeah, it's been received very well. First of all, we are very happy ourselves with the album and the reactions have also been really good. So... we're just one happy band.

Artmania: And I think you have some happy fans...
Robert Westerholt: That as well... There's always development in our music, we change with every record. Sometimes it's hard for people if you change, but luckily I think our fans like us even when we develop, so...

Artmania: What were your thoughts about Romania before arriving here and what are your thoughts now that you are here? Is it different? Or were you a little bit afraid of what was going to happen?
Robert Westerholt: I was very curious, because I know that the country has been developing so much in the last few years, now it's a lot different. And I also know that there's a big history here, you know, with Dracula, Transylvania and stuff, but also Roman history is a big history as well... But honestly, I didn't know what to expect exactly. But where we are now - it's great, so I'm curious to see a bit more. Tomorrow we have a day off, so maybe we'll see a little bit more [then].



Artmania: How does it feel to be one of the biggest bands to play in the European Capital of Culture, which is Sibiu this year. It will be one of the most promoted concerts there.
Robert Westerholt: It's amazing... amazing. When we started out as a band, we used to be a hobby band, and that's still how we look at it; but of course it's a big hobby now [laughs]. You can never can never imagine that one day you'll be here, in Romania, and even headlining with your music, so that's of course amazing.

Artmania: Thank you.
Robert Westerholt: You're welcome.

Autor: Metalfan
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Within Temptation

   April 27, 2007  | 12 Comments  | 68535 Views « BACK

Comment on: WITHIN TEMPTATION: they really need to do their show in Romania

  • Haideti mah veniti odata ca salivez naibi aici :| :((((

    1. Posted by Ak-47 | 02 Mai 2007 18:49
  • SUPER...sper doar sa pot ajunge la ArtMania...o sa fie genial...trupe ca Within Temptation, My dying bride, Anathema, Haggard, The Gathering...Acum Blind Guardian va aduce un pic de metal la Arenele Romane

    2. Posted by tolkien | 03 Mai 2007 14:17
  • O sa merg sigur sunt sigur ca o sa vina multi rockeri
    within temptation in romania incredibil.rock on!!!
    Aha si era sa uit ultimul album trebuie sa fac rost si
    sa-l asc "The Heart Of Everything"...Aha
    Sa-mi iau bilet din timp.

    3. Posted by COF | 10 Mai 2007 19:30
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