stiri rock

BEHEMOTH: nou album live

BEHEMOTH: nou album live

BEHEMOTH vor lansa primul lor album live via Regain Records in luna octombrie a acestui an. Noul material poarta numele At the Arena ov Aion – Live Apostasy si va aparea intr-o cutie de metal care va contine un patch, o pana de chitara si digibook-ul care va avea piese bonus.

Piesele care vor aparea pe aces material sunt:

01. Rome 64 e.v.
02. Slaying The Prophets Ov Isa
03. Antichristian Phenomenon
04. Demigod
05. From The Pagan Vastlands
06. Conquer All
07. Prometherion
08. Drum Solo
09. Slaves Shall Serve
10. As Above So Below
11. At The Left Hand Ov God
12. Summoning Ov The Ancient Ones
13. Christgrinding Avenue
14. Christians To The Lions
15. Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth
16. Decade Ov Therion
17. Chant For Eskaton 2000 e.v.
18. I Got Erection

Posted by Thrudr , at 00:00 |  September 04, 2008  | 0 Comentarii  | 3252 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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