stiri rock

Concertul Ancient - ANULAT

Concertul Ancient - ANULAT
Axa Valaha Productions anunta cu regret faptul ca show-ul trupei norvegiene Ancient, programat pe data de 14.12.2007 in Bucuresti, in Live Metal Club, a fost anulat. Decizia apartine trupei norvegiene si survine datorita faptului ca agentiile care organizau show-urile Ancient in Bulgaria si Serbia au decis sa anuleze evenimentele.

Axa Valaha Productions regreta faptul ca show-ul Ancient a fost anulat si spera ca intr-un viitor apropiat trupa sa poate vizita Romania in cadrul unui show. Oricum, din respect pentru fanii metalului extrem si pentru a oferi o petrecere in avans pentru Satan Klaus, Axa Valaha Productions a decis sa organizeze sambata 15.12.2007 un show underground care ii va aduce pe aceeasi scena pe SINCARNATE (Bucuresti - doom / death metal), MG 42 (Bucuresti - deathrash metal), SPECTRAL (Pitesti - technical death metal), ACRAL NECROSIS (Bucuresti - raw black metal).

Inca una sau doua trupe vor fi anuntate in cel mai scurt timp. Locatia evenimentului va fi Live Metal Club, pretul biletelor va fi anuntat in cel mai scurt timp.

Gasiti mai jos declaratia managerului Ancient, Mr. Alex Azzali:

"Hello Coro, unfortunately Belgrade cancelled the show and probably Sofia too, so now it's really a mess and we have to cancel the tour :( . I am so sorry, but to pay everybody's plane tickets and travel expences just for one or 2 shows traveling 4000 km perhaps in the snow with camper or van it's just crazy, we would have done it of course but for at least 3 shows... Seems both promoters in Serbia and in Bulgaria had problems with venues...shit happens.... I really would like to try it again soon ,with more time in advance, with good promotion etc etc... really hope we can collaborate about that then, would be great to work again with you my friend.Take care, Alex."

Posted by Cynyc, at 00:00 |  November 27, 2007  | 4 Comentarii  | 4012 Vizualizari « INAPOI

Comenteaza la: Concertul Ancient - ANULAT

  • ce dracu sa mai zic ??

    1. Posted by ... | 27 Noiembrie 2007 18:41
  • :DDD, mai bine nu mai faceti mah reclama ca in ultimele luni, s-au anulat o groaza. What a SHIT !

    2. Posted by Ioana M. | 27 Noiembrie 2007 19:36
  • Tipic romanesc.Nimic mai mult.

    3. Posted by gorguts | 28 Noiembrie 2007 13:52
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