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EYEHATEGOD: detalii despre DVD-ul 'Live', trailer online

EYEHATEGOD: detalii despre DVD-ul 'Live', trailer online
Eyehategod, grupul american de sludge/doom metal, va lansa in data de 21 martie cel de al doilea DVD din cariera. Materialul ce va purta numele Live, va contie doua concerte inregistrate in anul 2009 in Baltimore, respectiv in 2010 in Cleveland, SUA. Mai jos puteti vedea primul trailer al acestui material:


Titlurlile pieselor ce vor figura pe DVD-ul Live sunt urmatoarele:

01. Intro/Feedback
02. Story of the Eye
03. Jackass in the Will of God
04. Take As Needed For Pain
05. Sister Fucker
06. Dixie Whiskey
07. White Nigger
08. Depress
09. Lack of Almost Everything
10. Masters of Legalized Confusion
11. Pigs
12. Methampthetamine
13. Blank
14. $30 Bag
15. Kill Your Boss
16. Left To Starve
17. Children of God
18. Blood Money
19. Crimes Against Skin
20. Dog's Holy Life
21. Serving Time in the Middle of Nowhere
22. Feedback/Outro
23. Shoplift
24. Run It Into the Ground
25. Shinobi
26. Sister Fucker (Video)
27. Anxiety Hangover (Video)
28. The Age of Bootcamp (Video)

Primul DVD semnat Eyehategod poarta numele Live in Tokyo 2002 si a fost lansat in anul 2004 prin intermediul Press Pause Media/Cassettes.

Posted by H., at 17:15 |  February 06, 2011  | 0 Comentarii  | 3626 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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