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NIGHTMARE: detalii despre noul DVD

NIGHTMARE: detalii despre noul DVD
Veteranii scenei franceze de heavy metal, Nightmare, au lansat al doilea material video dintr-o cariera de peste 30 de ani. Dublul DVD One Night of Insurrection a aparut pe 25 februarie la AFM Records si contine inregistrarea concertului aniversar de 30 de ani sustinut in Grenoble pe 30 octombrie 2009. Dupa lansare urmeaza un turneu european impreuna cu Sabaton.

Titlurile de pe One Night of Insurrection:

01. Intro
02. Eternal Winter
03. White Wicked Demon
04. Heretic
05. Legions of the Rising Sun
06. Secret Rules
07. Queen of Love and Pain
08. Three Miles Island
09. Hallucinations
10. The Wind of Sin
11. Target For Revenge
12. The Gospel of Judas
13. Mind Matrix Schizophrenia
14. The Watchtower
15. Power of the Universe
16. Lord of the Sky
17. Trust a Crowd
Summer Blast in Tel-Aviv, Israel

Inregistrarea piesei de deschidere a concertului, Eternal Winter poate fi vazuta online:


Posted by Klawz, at 12:45 |  January 28, 2011  | 0 Comentarii  | 2246 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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