stiri rock

THY VEILS: informatii despre DVD

THY VEILS: informatii despre DVD

Thy Veils anunta ca DVDul Dawn and Furtherance este 99,99% gata si ca primele trei albume(Prologue, Against an Oblivion of the Forgotten Abyss, Immemorable) au fost remasterizate.
Titlurile pieselor de pe DVDul Dawn and Furtherance (in ordine alfabetica)

01.   Aramà
02.   As the Ocean Suffers
03.   Clear Sight (inedit)
04.   Dead Mist Ballet
05.   Immemorable
06.   Kay One (inedit)
07.   The Knifechild
08.   The Most Beautiful of the Drowned
09.   Portal
10.   Steps Beyond the Cage of Flesh
11.   Travel
12.   Your Night Embrace

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Video previews:

DVD preview #1

DVD preview #2

Kay One preview


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Posted by Cynyc, Klawz, at 00:00 |  October 18, 2006  | 0 Comentarii  | 5385 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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