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Paul Dean (Jerusalem): from John Mayall to Ian Gillan - the story of Jerusalem

Paul Dean (Jerusalem): from John Mayall to Ian Gillan - the story of Jerusalem
TRUPE : Jerusalem

Jerusalem was a British band that had a meteoric presence back in the '70s. Their self-titled debut album, the only one released to this to date, was produced by Ian Gillan of Deep Purple. The story of Jerusalem started back in 1967 when Paul Dean, the bass player and leader of the group went to see live John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers. Back in February 2018 I got the chance to get in touch with mister Dean and he was kind enough to tell for us the story of the group, how it all started and how things turned out for Jerusalem. The band is nowadays a cult name in the rock scene and if you did not get the chance to listen to the debut album yet... Well... It's time!

Metalfan: Hello Paul and welcome to! What are you up these days?
Paul Dean: Hi Metalfan, many thanks again for the interview, some interesting questions, which I have never been asked before and also quite stimulating.

For the last 14 years I have been based in S.E. Asia, at the moment in the Philippines. I am still actively involved with Rockadrome Records promoting newly released Jerusalem and Pussy product. The following and support of which for both bands music still seems to be growing and spreading, which is obviously very gratifying and a re-enforcement that it was all very worthwhile doing all those years ago. Probably the most pleasing aspect is that the appreciation now is coming from younger generations right up to the new listeners of today. Something I would not have envisaged 46 years ago!

Over the last 30 years I have lived in Southern Africa (various countries), South America and now Asia. During this time, I have continued to try and help young bands of all genres with advice and sometimes Producing their studio recordings. In fact, just finished one this week. The Philippines is a beautiful country, amazing people and an extraordinary number of talented musicians across all forms of music. Although I have not been actively involved in music personally for many years due to damaging my vocal chords and other issues, I do occasionally flirt with the idea of writing again, who knows, never say never! Otherwise, I still enjoy travelling and experiencing new cultures and environments in all manner of locations. Had some hairy moments over the years but would not have missed any of them! Still believe the World would be a better place if everyone travelled more and got out of their boxes. It opens your eyes and mind to what is really important in life. I have always believed that if it does not kill you or someone else then it is not a problem, just one of life’s hiccups!

Metalfan: When you think about your childhood and your teen years what are the first things that come to your memory?
Paul Dean: Very patchy memories, but obviously influenced my development. My father was a pilot in the RAF. Fighter pilot during World War II and an experimental jet pilot after the war. This obviously meant we moved many times, so probably where I got the Travel bug. I think I went to seven different schools during this period, so learned early how to adapt to new situations and different kinds of people. One of his postings was to South Africa where I lived from the age of 3 to 6. I think that this experience as a young kid instilled in me a blindness that has stayed with me all my life, whereby I have always focused on the actual ‘real’ person, rather than the colour, appearance and beliefs. It is difficult to explain to anyone, but once you have been to Africa it stays in your blood, which is probably a reason I returned there for most of the 90‘s. A very strange Continent that I guarantee will change you in many different ways. If you believe that is where it all started, you will understand what I mean if you ever visit there. Obviously, I am talking about the ‘Bush’ and country areas, not the Cities.

My parents were always very supportive in all aspects and instilled in me by example that Freedom of the Individual and Human Rights were paramount. To never look down on someone because of their circumstances. That everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I very much believe in the quote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". There were many interesting comments from my parents that have stayed with me. I remember when I was learning to drive, my father said, “Drive as though you may meet yourself coming the other way”. The only thing that it took my father a while to accept was the length of my hair!

I think throughout my childhood, teens and now I have always had an interest in politics, but totally outside the box. I don’t believe in Left, Right and Centre. I have my own beliefs which cannot be enclosed in one label. Labels and political parties are for those who want to follow. They were created in order to Control the many by a few. One memory at the age of 9 was leading a protest march at my school in Scotland after the 1959 Tibetan Rebellion when China took total control. No memory of why I did it, but shows I was aware of the outside World even at that age.
Academically I was ok, but it was all down to what interested me and the attitude of the teacher whether I did well or not. During my childhood and teens, I was pretty good at most sports, especially football and also started the band at school in mid-teens with Ray Sparrow. These two last things put me in a very lucky position, as by the time I reached the end of my higher education my future direction was already decided. I was offered professional terms playing football for some English football clubs and at the same time my band Jerusalem was offered Record Company deals. As you know, I chose the music direction. I say lucky, because I loved both and never had to make the decisions many others have to in choosing a career path that maybe was not the right one.

In general, my early years were happy, and I was lucky enough to experience many aspects of life, good and bad, that many never have the chance to, all of which have partly made me who I am today.

Metalfan: What were the first records that you've got the chance to listen to? Do you remember how you got your hands on them?
Paul Dean: Neither of my parents were musical, but they did like to listen to music. We always had a record player (vinyl) and a radio in the pre-TV era. So, initially I was brought up on pre and post war artists such as Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Cliff Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald, Judy Garland etc.....  The first record I ever bought was Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (1957), I gave it to my father for his birthday, because I liked it (I was 6).
My sister Zoe who was 5+ years older than me was always into music and by 18 had hundreds of vinyl singles and albums, Beatles, Kinks, Stones, Presley...., pretty much all the top artists of the 60‘s. When she left school she moved to London and worked in Record Companies, a music/movie TV presenter/interviewer and even worked for the Pirate Radio stations Caroline and London. So, I pretty much had access to all of the popular music of that time, through her and her collection. She also became friends with many of the artists at that time (including Ian Gillan when he was in Episode 6). I never ever thought about becoming a musician at that time.

Metalfan: It was always the bass guitar that got your attention as a teenager? Do you remember your first bass guitar and how you got it?
Paul Dean: Not at all. When Ray, Chris and I formed the original band at school, none of us could play any instrument. Someone offered Chris a second-hand electric guitar, so he became the guitarist, Ray was a constant foot tapper at school, so it was logical he should be the drummer, which left me as bass. Ray found a second-hand drum kit and I bought a second-hand homemade bass guitar I saw advertised for 6 pounds. We also bought 1 x 15-watt small amplifier, two speakers, a mic and stand. I took vocals as we thought it was easier to sing with a bass. That was the beginning. Then we taught ourselves how to play! My bass had a bent neck so was quite painful to play sometimes, but it did toughen up my fingers very quickly! As we progressed over the years, I moved on to a Hofner violin bass and then tried, Fender Precision, Gibson SG, Ampeg, Fender Jazz and eventually settled on a Rickenbacker 4001 because I liked the thin neck and sound.

Metalfan: The story of Jerusalem started back in 1967 when you went to see live John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers. Do you remember that concert?
Paul Dean: Yes, very much so. This all started because we had a weekly lesson at school called musical appreciation. Once a term one of the pupils could bring in music of their own taste. A Canadian friend Larry brought in 2 albums by a band called John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers. The albums were ‘Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton’ and ‘A Hard Road’. Some of us were totally knocked out with this Electric 12 bar Blues, as so different from the popular music of the time. By extreme coincidence, 2 weeks later we saw that John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers were playing at the main live venue in our City (Salisbury, UK) the Alexander Rooms. Basically, a very large room with a low ceiling and a bar at the back. So, Chris, Ray and I went to have a listen. This was one of the first gigs with Mick Taylor on guitar. Incredible night! Most there had never heard this kind of music and when Mick did the long solos everyone was totally mesmerised. Solos were something that did not exist with most bands and if they did them they were just a few bars. This was a different World, the 3 of us were so excited by this music that when we got to school on the Monday we decided to form a band and so our own hard road began.

Metalfan: Peter Green was still in the band at that time or was Mick Taylor playing with them? What do these two great musicians represent to you?
Paul Dean: Mick Taylor had recently joined and Peter had left to form Fleetwood Mac. John Mayall had an extraordinary ability to recognise young talent. three incredible guitarists, Clapton, Green, Taylor and many other top musicians evolved from the Bluesbreakers. If you look at the musicians who played with him over the years it is like a ‘whose who’ of the top musicians in Rock music. I sometimes think that without him and a handful of others, would rock have ever appeared or at least so quickly? The Blues boom of 68 really was the pot out of which the guys who would create classic & heavy rock, heavy metal came from.  After Mayall pushed out the boundaries, many others followed on, Fleetwood Mac, Chicken Shack, Savoy Brown, Jethro Tull, Cream and even Hendrix (Chas Chandler from the Animals brought him to the UK from USA and that made him) and a little later on Led Zeppelin, Ten Years After, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath. Yes, many people do not realise that many of these bands were originally blues bands, even Black Sabbath!

Metalfan: If you had to pick just one album on which Peter Green played and one on which Mick Taylor played, which would those albums be? What do represent those records for you?
Paul Dean: Sorry, more than one:

Peter Green - 1) A Hard Road, 2) Fleetwood Mac (1968)
Mick Taylor - 1) Laurel Canyon, 2) Sticky Fingers 3) Exile on Main St.

Pure unadulterated talent!

Metalfan: If I'm right, your favourite team when it comes to football is Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. Back in the season 1971-1972 they won the UEFA Cup. Do you remember the final? It would be great if you could tell us that story...
Paul Dean: Yes, Spurs are my main team (also Plymouth Argyle, where I was born). I initially hooked into them when my father took me to see them during their highly successful period in the early 60‘s. The Cup Winners' Cup victory in 1963 made Tottenham the first English team to win a UEFA competition. In 1960–61, they were the first team to complete the Double in the 20th century. It was very good of him to take me because he was a supporter of Arsenal their North London rivals.  I have always stuck with them through thick and thin. Tottenham have won the FA Cup eight times, the Football League twice, the Football League Cup four times, the UEFA Cup twice and the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup. Cannot remember where we were during the 1971-72 UEFA, but I think we were playing at a UK University and I had to watch the TV replay because we were on stage during the match. Anyway, a great year in all respects for us and them.
Favourite players, Jimmy Greaves, Glen Hoddle, Gareth Bale, Harry Kane.

Metalfan: Do you think that your debut album would have ever come out if your sister didn't involve Ian Gillan in the process?
Paul Dean: A hypothetical question. I would hope we would have eventually found a deal. There was some interest before Ian’s involvement through other parties, Philips Records and Bronze Records, but it would have never happened so quickly and taken the path it did. In actual fact there was some interest from John Colletta, one of Deep Purples managers, before Ian committed. Ian went along with Zoe to see John and it was after that meeting that Ian decided to do it all himself instead. Up to that point Ian had just been advising and even brought Roger Glover down to Salisbury to produce some demos of us. Roger had just bought a 2 track Revox and wanted to test it out. So, probably we were the first band that Roger ever produced. [Ed.note: Laughs] Unfortunately, those demos got lost. Nick Mobbs A&R of the Harvest label (EMI) also made an offer, but we went with Sam Hamilton A&R of the Deram label (Decca).
I have always been very persistent in anything I do, ‘If at First You Don't Succeed - Try, Try, and Try Again’. It took me 40+ years to get the Pussy album released (Rockadrome) and even the Gillan/Dean album took me two years. The music business is all about hard work and belief (something I try and instil in young bands). If you do not have these, you may as well stay at home. The advantage many of us had in the 60‘s and 70‘s is that most A&R managers were ex-musicians, so had more vision and would stick with an artist for a long time. Unfortunately, by the 80‘s+ most record companies were being run by lawyers and accountants who were purely looking for a quick commercial return. The saving grace was that this gave rise to the many Independent labels. I very much doubt that many artists in the 60‘s and 70‘s would have ever got record deals e.g. Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Cream.... if it had not’s been for the A&R managers of that period having a musical background.

Metalfan: As you were the main writer on the debut Jerusalem album, it would be great if you could tell us a few words about each song from the album. It would be even more interesting to hear your opinion on them, as 45 years have passed since the release of that record.
This was mainly a collaboration between Bill and Bob with some input from Ray and I. The lyrics (Bill & Bob) were kind of based around unrequited love, something they both had problems with at that time.

Hooded Eagle
I wrote the music and Lynden the lyrics. The lyric covers the areas of frustration, loneliness and depression to the point of madness.

I See the Light
I wrote the music and lyrics. Basically, about how people can be put in a situation by others that mean they have to do things they do not necessarily want to do and without realising the consequences until it is too late. How powers can brainwash the innocent into committing atrocities i.e. sometimes the innocent is the perpetrator as well as the victim.

Murderer's Lament
Music mainly Bill and Bob. Lyrics by Bill, Bob and myself. A bit of an ode to people like Jack the Ripper and others with severe mental problems that lead them into tragic circumstances and ends

When the Wolf Sits
I wrote the music and Lynden the lyrics. It’s about searching for meanings and answers to ones life. Easily falling into a life of habit rather than getting out there and living the future. Being stuck in the past too much.

Midnight Steamer
I wrote the music and Lynden the lyrics. Submitting to or accepting a path you know is probably wrong and then paying the ultimate price for your decision.

Primitive Man
I wrote this one, in fact one of my first and probably still my favourite. This song is still interesting because many people today believe we have only just woken up to the fact that we are destroying our Planet. In the 70‘s many of us could already see the damage we were doing, and this was my attack at those who were ignoring the destructive path they were leading us along. I wanted it to be as heavy as possible because it was written with considerable anger. It still makes me angry even now. I have been lucky enough to spend some time in the bush with the more primitive tribes in Africa like the Bushmen and Himba. Also, a bit in the jungles of Guyana with Warraus, if we had 10% of the respect for our planet that these peoples do, the World would be a far better place than it is now. The gradual destruction of Flora and Fauna is horrendous everywhere. One of my pet concerns is the Rhino. A majestic species that has been around for 50 million years and because of a few greedy businessmen in S.E. Asia convincing the uneducated that the Rhino horn can improve virility and cure cancer, we could well see its extinction within decades!  To those people who say people first, I would just say, I really don’t think the human race is an endangered species at this moment in time.

Beyond the Grave
Bill and Bob wrote the music and I wrote the Lyrics. A personal view of death I suppose. Death is not something that really concerns me, as I have a view that we all exist because of the energy within us and as you cannot destroy energy it just goes somewhere else when our body ceases to function. Where it goes or what it becomes I really don’t care, it existed before me and will continue to exist after me. I’m not at all religious but have no problem with those who feel they need it. To me God and religion are 2 totally different things. Religion was invented by man purely, I feel, to control people. God however is just a word whose definition can mean anything to anyone. Personally, I do not think the human race is particularly that important in the Universe, we are just equivalent to one tiny blade of grass in a field. Think we suffer from a highly inflated ego.

She Came Like a Bat from Hell
This is actually the first riff I ever wrote going back to school days. Lyrically it is just that fantasy many of us have about blindly finding that extra special all-encompassing ideal exciting beautiful female, who when we think we have found her, can sometimes end in our downfall.

Kamakazi Moth
I wrote the music and Lynden the lyrics. This was an interesting story. Ian and Zoe were away on Tour (I took over management whenever Ian was away) and our record label contacted me to say they did not want to use an edited version of Frustration as a single. Could we come up with something else within 2 days as all the PR was ready to go on a single. I grabbed Lynden and went to my mother’s house in Salisbury and we came up with this within 2 hours. The next day we rehearsed it with the band for a few hours and then left for London. The following afternoon we were in Decca’s studio recording, mixing and mastering it. I always think it worked out quite well. Lyrically it’s just about how we sometimes get attracted to things we should really avoid and then pay the consequences.

Metalfan: The album cover is one of the most iconic album covers of all time. Please, tell us the story behind it...
Paul Dean: I always wanted to call the band Jerusalem for a number of reasons. One of the only pieces of music we were forced to sing at school assembly and liked was ‘Jerusalem’ (William Blake/C. Hubert H. Parry). It was extremely passionate, inspiring and dare I say it ‘heavy’. It was put together in World War I for the ‘Fight for Right’ movement to sustain the resolve of Britain during World War I. It was so popular many wanted it as our National Anthem. As well as this, when you’re looking for a name you want something that is going to stick in people’s minds. Every literate person in the World has heard of Jerusalem one way or another. Also, throughout history Jerusalem for good and bad reasons was always a centre of people’s passion, it united people, but also divided them. It was always a catalyst for something whether right or wrong. To me those feelings embodied what we were about. We were passionate about our music, we believed in what we were doing whether others liked it or not and believe me our audiences especially at the beginning either loved us or hated us, there was never any middle ground. The actual artwork was painted by our own Bob Cooke. He tried to come up with a strong image of fighting to succeed, which is what we were trying to do. I have had to point out many times over the years that calling the band Jerusalem and the artwork had zero religious connotations as far as we were concerned. It was all about creating a powerful image that would get across what we were trying to do. We actually used a very short instrumental screaming guitar version of Jerusalem as an intro live.

Metalfan: On 30 January 1972 in the Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland, British soldiers shot 28 unarmed civilians during a peaceful protest march against internment, an incident that is now known as Bloody Sunday. What are your thoughts on that incident?
Paul Dean: To comment on that, I would have to comment on another 1000+ tragic incidents in my lifetime. Maybe better to give you my general view on such things. To begin with, I will never condone the killing and injuring of the innocent (I See the Light|. There are times when innocents have been caught up in situations because of their proximity to a conflict such as the World Wars and similar, but little can be done to avoid this. There are also the situations where there are uprisings and rebellions whereby the ordinary people themselves decide to fight for their freedom and rights. In such cases of ‘People Power’ it is the innocents who voluntary decide to fight for their future. The situations that are created purely for the egotistical ambition, power hunger and warped twisted beliefs of a few and who use others (brainwashed innocents) to fight their fight, but never put themselves in danger, are the ones I totally abhor. Unfortunately, at the moment these have become a Worldwide problem. The only way to end this is for the innocents to totally reject them. Maybe it is time for the silent majority to stand up and be counted? We live in an age where many ignore what is going on in the hope it will all go away. These things never go away and one day catch up with us all if we don’t act. Just read through history. Apathy creates monsters!

Metalfan: Speaking of politics, 51.9% of the participating UK electorate voted to leave the EU on the referendum from 23 June 2016. Isn't it strange that UK, the homeland of European democracy decided to leave the EU?
Paul Dean: To be honest, I would have voted to stay, even though there are many aspects of the EU I find to be bureaucratic nonsense, with little thought of the consequences. So much wasted money on silly laws. If we were going to leave, it should have been many years ago. At the end of the day I am sure it will work out ok for all, but as usual the doomsayers take front page for a while when something big like this happens. I still think the EU as it stands really needs to change quickly as it often works like a system that is totally out of sync with the realities of the 21st Century!

Metalfan: Earlier we talked about Tottenham Hotspur, as the team won the first UEFA Cup in '72, the year when Jerusalem released the debut album, I personally find this as a lovely coincidence. 12 years later, in 1984 after a shock final against the Belgian side Anderlecht, they won again the UEFA Cup. Maintaining the coincidence, I have to say that Jerusalem is one album late. [Ed.note: Laughs]
Paul Dean: Strangely enough 1984 was the year the Gillan/Dean album was released. So, a little bit of coincidence. UEFA Champions league this year???

Metalfan: Lynden Williams your ex-colleague from the original '70s incarnation of Jerusalem,  has released two new albums under Jerusalem name - Black Horses in 2014 and Cooler Than Antarctica in 2016. What are your feelings regarding this move?
Paul Dean: Actually, he did three under the name Jerusalem. I did put out a press release at one point on my feelings:

The use of the name by Lynden was purely for financial gain and totally disrespectful to the original band, who were in actual fact one of the pathfinders of a genre which eventually became extremely successful. His albums musically have absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the legendary Jerusalem band managed and produced by Ian Gillan.  Lynden has just used the name under false pretences to try and get sales on the back of the remastered and reissued original Jerusalem album on Rockadrome Records. Even Bob Cooke who appeared on Escalator was against Lynden using the name. Ray Sparrow and myself were the founding members of Jerusalem, we then pulled in Bill Hinde and later on Bob Cooke. Lynden was brought in at a much later date after auditions in London. Lynden's musical contributions to the Jerusalem album were the lyrics on 3 songs, the music of which I wrote. He was also at times tutored how to sing the songs. Bob Cooke warned me that Lynden was going to use the Jerusalem name even though the music bears no relevance to Jerusalem and Bob didn't even perform on Black Horses or the last one. I'm also surprised that a professional company like Angel Air Records would have allowed Lynden to use the name and support such a release under that name. If Lynden is not capable and confident enough of releasing music under his own name but would rather use and abuse the name of a well-respected band from 43 years ago that he was fortunate to be part of for a short time, then he should not be releasing music. I am also surprised that he has done it again and again considering the number of fans and followers of the real Jerusalem who find it insulting. Very disappointed.” Paul Dean.

I would have fully supported and tried to help Lynden if he had only had the nerve to release product under his own name.

Metalfan: Did you try to talk to him and reunite under the name Jerusalem? Just like Coven and other '70s bands got back together in recent years and performed at festivals like Roadburn, it would be great to see Jerusalem play the debut album live...
Paul Dean: There was never any possibility of Jerusalem ever reforming. Jerusalem and the album were relevant to that point in time and where we were in life during that period. When Ray and I became aware that Bill and Lynden wanted to move in a different direction, we decided that Jerusalem had reached its natural climax, however short its existence. Rather than replacing them (Bill also had some family pressures about continuing anyway), we decided it was time to do something new and different (Pussy).  Jerusalem was too special to rehash the band just for the sake of continuing, which is also why it never entered our minds to continue using the name for the new band. Ian Gillan and Sam Hamilton were in full agreement with this decision and were also aware that Lynden’s attitude was becoming a problem to everyone. Bob usually went with the flow. On top of all this Bill’s tragic death in a car crash would have also ended any talk of reforming. Because Jerusalem had just the one album relevant that point in time, I would find it very difficult to accept us as a bunch of 60-year olds trying to generate the feeling we had 40 + years before! I think there is a big difference and it is easier for those bands that existed for a longer time and with more albums.

Metalfan: Have you ever talked with Ian Gillan regarding the possibility to record an album together or as a guest for a potential solo album?
Paul Dean: We did work together on some ideas for his Cherkazoo project and sometimes discussed ideas we had both written for solo projects. He also did most of the backing vocals on the Pussy album and played the piano part on Feline Woman (mark II). It was originally his idea for his sister Pauline and I to get together musically to record. Unfortunately, he then became too busy, so I took over control of the project (Gillan/Dean).
We actually did a tremendous amount of stuff together outside of music (a bit like the kind of things brothers do together). Lots of different sports, football, cricket, motorcycling off road, horse riding, boats, darts, chess, DRINKING etc.....  He was with my sister Zoe for 13 years and I was with his sister Pauline for 5 years, so our relationship covered a very long period. Great guy! Haven’t actually seen him in person since a Deep Purple warm up in Dublin, Ireland around 2000. We have always been in different parts of the Planet. We also did some other projects together over the early years. He started a Motorcycle Company (Mantis) to produce a new British Motorcycle (mid 70‘s), I did the day to day stuff and ran our Racing Team. We also started a Travel Agency just for the Music Business and a Management company for up and coming young bands of the time (an extension of Pussy Enterprises).

Metalfan: Before we end this interview, I would like to ask you if you could choose 12 songs from 12 different bands that have influenced you as an artist. What would be the title of this compilation?
Paul Dean: This is a difficult one. Cannot actually say I was influenced by any artist in particular. As I said earlier, from the very beginning all material was original. No covers etc. I think this is the reason that at the time Jerusalem were very difficult to put into a musical genre box. I have always preached to young bands that they ‘should not be too influenced by their influences’ otherwise they will struggle to succeed, as they then become a part mirror image of someone who has already succeeded. Always try to be a bit different. Be you.
Believe me, my musical tastes have always been very varied, across many genres, but heavy rock/metal was what I really enjoyed playing live and listening to live. Out of interest, did you know there was a major analysis done of what people listened to a few years ago and it came out that followers of classical and rock/metal had the closest connection. Maybe explains why so many top rock musicians had some form of Classical training. Some Classical music is full of ‘heavy’ riffs, have a listen.

A very few of the tracks that stick with me off the top of my head:

Cream - Crossroads
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Jethro Tull - Cat’s Squirrel
Free - The Hunter
Deep Purple - Child in Time
Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused 
Savoy Brown - Louisiana Blues
Jerusalem - London Philharmonic Orchestra
David Bowie - Starman
Concerto De Aranjuez

Generally speaking I tend to like bands early albums best, just a few:

Deep Purple - Deep Purple in Rock (1970), Machine Head (1972)
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin I (1969) & Led Zeppelin II (1969)
Black Sabbath
John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers - Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton (1966) & A Hard Road (1967)
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972)
Free - The Free Story (1973)
Jethro Tull - This Was (1968)
Fleetwood Mac
Savoy Brown - Blue Matter (1969)
Cream - Disraeli Gears (1967), Wheels of Fire (1968)
Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced (1967)
Johnny Winter

Compilation name -  “1,001 Gut Wrenches

Metalfan: Thank you for your time and for your answers! In the end would you like to add something or to send a few words to our readers?
Paul Dean: Many thanks for the interview, thoroughly enjoyed it, some of it a bit different to the normal.

All the best to all music followers in Romania and especially of course those of us who like the heavier brand. Being a slightly Political Animal I was well aware of the happenings in Romania during the 80‘s, so have some knowledge of the History and Culture, but unfortunately have never visited (Never say never).
Remember, music is something that can change the World and has done so already. It has no boundaries or rules and can never be stopped however much some may dislike its power. A cornerstone of Freedom! Rock On!
Autor: H.
   July 10, 2018  | 2 Comentarii  | 29137 Vizualizari « INAPOI

Comenteaza la: Paul Dean (Jerusalem): from John Mayall to Ian Gillan - the story of Jerusalem

  • Many thanks again Ovidiu. Probably the most interesting interview I have ever done. Some great questions, thoroughly enjoyed doing it. Cheers Paul

    1. Posted by Jerusalem | 11 Iulie 2018 06:26
  • By the way our official website for Jerusalem & Pussy is

    Our Record Company is

    Many thanks again. Paul

    2. Posted by Jerusalem | 11 Iulie 2018 07:25

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