Open Fire

Open Fire Activa
Tara: Romania
Oras: Iasi
Vlad Chirieac - chitara, voce
Purice - Sandu Andrei - Vlad - bas
Isar Cosmin - tobe


Anul infiintarii: 2005


Stilul: thrash metal



Stefanel (Spirit) - chitara

Aaron - voce





In vara anului 2005, Chirieac Vlad (ex-Spirit, chitara), impreuna cu Isar Cosmin (ex-"Rug", tobe) au hotarat sa puna bazele unei formatii thrash metal sub numele de "Open Fire".S-au alaturat imediat Florea Radu (ex-"Spirit" , la bas), Cristi "Aaron"(voce) si un al doilea chitarist tanar, dar talentat, Stefan.
Nu au durat cateva luni, si din motive personale ,Stefan si Aaron parasesc formatia. Repetitiile au continuat doar instrumental in formula trio: Vlad, Cosmin, Radu. In scurt timp rolul vocalului este luat de Vlad, respectiv de noul venit in trupa, Ciobotaru Andrei. Concertul de debut a avut loc pe data de 28.12.2005, in cadrul evenimentului intitulat Christmass Headbang, desfasurat la Onesti. O experienta reusita, zicem noi.
In primavara anului 2006, un alt membru "Spirit" se alatura grupului, si anume Bejinariu Victor (chitara). La scurt timp dupa laturarea acestuia, formatia sustine al doilea concert (4.4.2006), primul in orasul Iasi, alaturi de Bucovina, Hathor si Vena Cava.
Open Fire imbina thrash metalul-ul cu masuri compuse si elemente death.
Influente:  Death, Atheist, Pestilence, Slayer, Sadus.

Open Fire, a name relatively new on the Romanian metal scene, was created as merely an experiment in 2005, in the town Iasi. As any band at it’s beginnings, the line-up suffered many changes, but it seems it has reached an equilibrium, the present band members being: Vlad Chireac "Metalman" - guitar, vocals (ex-Spirit), Cosmin Isar "Varcolac" - drums (ex Rug,Blues Warriors), Purice - Sandu Andrei-Vlad - bass (Ex-Vena Cava). This formula has produced the first official material, the Vengeance EP, recorded in the Stream Music studio, in Cluj. The EP has three songs: Pain, Questioning Faith and Vengeance that represent the forerunning tracks of the forthcoming album. The chosen recipe for the band was a mix of a not so casual line-up of three: vocals/guitar, bass and drums, a not so cool musical genre lately – thrash with death metal influences and a real concept. The concept has put together the tune line with the lyrics and it is intended to transpose the listener in a world of pain, eternal suffering and slavery but with a dramatic climax - the revenge.



Comenteaza la: Open Fire

  • Un fragment din ultimul concert:

    1. Posted by varcolac | 01 Februarie 2012 16:22


