stiri rock

Concertul PROTEST URBAN a fost amanat!

Concertul PROTEST URBAN a fost amanat!

Axa Valaha Productions anunta cu regret ca cele doua show-uri pe care trupa germana ACID RAIN trebuia sa le sustina pe 24 august si 26 august in Constanta, respectiv Deva, au fost anulate din cauza unor probleme de sanatate pe care unul dintre membrii trupei le intampina. Dupa cum reprezentantul agentiei de booking Mika Productions ne-a precizat: "Hello, Coro. This is Julia from Mika Prods, Micha's (Acid Rain) sister writing. We just had to bring him to a hospital, he had 40 Celsius fever, it's probably the flu. He can barely speak, but he told me to write you and tell you this, he will write you once he can! Julia @ Mika Prods.", iar Micha de la Acid Rain ne-a precizat aseara, 22 august, ca "I'm in hospital, got a bad infection. I'm connected to a dialysis (bloodwashing) machine, this is my situation here, shit got me hard. They won't let me out until tomorrow, so we won't make it to Romania. This is so fucked up, I can't believe it,
 but I fell crappy as hel. I'm totally sorry, but hope the shows will work out anyway. Micha @ Acid Rain
Axa Valaha Productions va reveni in curand cu amanunte in legatura cu urmatoarele concerte aflate in pregatire!

Pe data de 24 August cvartetul constantean de metal, PROTEST URBAN ar fi trebuit sa sustina ultimul concert sub acest nume, alaturi de Acid Rain din Berlin, D si Desolation Decay din Bucuresti.

Posted by at 00:00 |  August 24, 2008  | 0 Comentarii  | 2845 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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