stiri rock

MASTODON lucreaza la un nou album de studio

MASTODON lucreaza la un nou album de studio
Grupul american Mastodon a anuntat prin intermediul paginii oficiale de Facebook faptul ca lucreaza la un nou album de studio:

"For those of you who are interested, Yes we have been VERY busy writing and putting songs together for the next studio MASTODON album, we are down at our space hammering out riffs that can be friends and working our fingers to the bone to put out another great album. thank you to all our loyal fans!!!"

Cel mai recent album de studio al trupei poarta numele The Hunter si a fost lansat in data de 27 septembrie 2011 prin intermediul casei de discuri Roadrunner Records. Mai jos puteti vedea videoclipul piesei Curl of the Burl:


Posted by H., at 12:15 |  May 07, 2013  | 0 Comentarii  | 1642 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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