stiri rock

PESTILENCE: albumul Spheres reeditat

PESTILENCE: albumul Spheres reeditat

Metal Mind vor reedita albumul Spheres din 1993 al celor de la Pestilence, urmand sa fie lansat pe 20 august in Europa. Editia, limitata la 2000 de exemplare va contine piesele remasterizate digital si 4 bonus track-uri:

01. Mind Reflections
02. Multiple Beings
03. The Level of Perception
04. Aurian Eyes
05. Soul Search
06. Personal Energy
07. Voices from Within
08. Sphere
09. Changing Perspective
10. Phileas
11. Demise of Time

Bonus tracks:

12. Demise of Time (remix)
13. Soul Search (remix)
14. Mind Reflections (live)
15. Multiple Beings (live)

Posted by Cynyc, at 00:00 |  August 01, 2007  | 3 Comentarii  | 4216 Vizualizari « INAPOI

Comenteaza la: PESTILENCE: albumul Spheres reeditat

  • YES!!! ASTA DA!!! albumul e absolut genial, dar pacat de productie, care nu mi se pare chiar cea mai stralucita (desi nu e nici de lepadat). De abia astept sa apara varianta remasterizata!!!

    1. Posted by burta_deatherului | 02 August 2007 15:00
  • Privet fanilor de ROCK!!!!!!!!!Care o adora pe Evanescence sau LP scrieti-mi!!!!!!!! =)

    2. Posted by Natalya | 07 August 2007 19:43
  • superb album! in rest:no comment!

    3. Posted by priestrock | 26 August 2011 17:45

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