stiri rock

TRIBULATION: detalii despre albumul 'The Children of the Night'

TRIBULATION: detalii despre albumul 'The Children of the Night'
Grupul suedez Tribulation va lansa in acest an un nou disc de studio. Materialul ce va purta numele The Children of the Night, este prevazut a fi lansat in data de 20 aprilie 2015 prin intermediul casei de discuri Century Media Records. Titlurile pieselor ce vor figura pe material sunt urmatoarele:

01. Strange Gateways Beckon
02. Melancholia
03. In The Dreams of the Dead
04. Winds
05. Själaflykt
06. The Motherhood of God
07. Strains of Horror
08. Holy Libations
09. Cauda Pavonis
10. Music from the Other
11. One Hundred Years (The Cure cover) (bonus)
12. Laudanum Dreams (bonus)

Piesa In The Dreams of the Dead poate fi ascultata mai jos:


Cel mai recent disc de studio al trupei poarta numele The Formulas of Death si a fost lansat in anul 2013.

Posted by H., at 14:06 |  April 14, 2015  | 0 Comentarii  | 2711 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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